The Council´s mission
The Council for Radio and Television Broadcasting (hereinafter the "Council")
- is the central State administration body, which performs administration in the area of radio and television broadcasting (hereinafter "broadcasting") and taken over broadcasting, and in the area of audio-visual media services on request provided under Act No. 132/2010 Coll.
- supervises on adherence to and development of plurality of the program offers and information in the area of broadcasting and taken over broadcasting
- attends to contentual independence of broadcasting and taken over broadcasting (all: Art. 4, paragraph 2 of Act No. 231/2001 Coll.; where the Act is not more closely designated henceforth, it concerns always this Act)
- supervises on observance of legal regulations in the area of broadcasting and conditions stipulated in the decision on granting a license or in decision on registration (Art. 5, letter a)
- grants, changes, and withdraws licenses for broadcasting operation (Art. 5, letter b)
- issues, changes, and cancel decision about registration for operation of taken over broadcasting (Art. 5, letter c)
- keeps a record of broadcasting operators and operators of taken over broadcasting (Art. 5, letter d)
- regularly publicizes summary of applications for licenses and registrations, and summary of granted licenses and their amendments, registrations and their amendments, in a manner enabling remote access (Art. 5, letter e)
- imposes sanctions (Art.5, letter f) of Act No. 231/2001Coll.; Section seven of the Act; Art. 7, paragraph 1, Art.5, letter a) of Act No. 40/1995 Coll.)
- monitors content of radio and television broadcasting (Art. 5, letter g)
- advises the broadcasting operators and operators of taken over broadcasting on infringement of their duties stipulated by Act No. 231/2001 Coll., or conditions of granted license, and schedules a term to them for remedy (Art. 59, paragraph 1)
- grants approval to the Czech Telecommunication Office to issue individual authorization for exploitation of radio frequency for other radio-communication services in a part of radio spectrum entirely reserved for radio and television broadcasting (Art. 5, letter h)
- requires a standpoint from the Czech Telecommunication Office containing coordinated frequencies for analog radio and television broadcasting, including their technical parameters (Art. 5, letter. i)
- grants a prior consent to the Czech Telecommunication Office to reserve frequencies for the Czech Television to operate broadcasting of two full-area television programs, making possible coverage of the territory of the Czech Republic by means of terrestrial broadcasters (or by other technical means), and of at least other two television programs included in the public service multiplex (Art. 3, paragraph 1 letters a), b), and paragraph 2 of Act No. 483/1991 Coll., on the Czech Television)
- requires a standpoint from the Czech Telecommunication Office for purposes of proceedings on licensing for operation of radio and television broadcasting, or for purposes of changes in license conditions (Art. 5, letter j)
- determines territorial range of broadcasting for broadcasting operators under Art. 3, paragraph 1, letter b) in accordance with standpoint of the Czech Telecommunication Office (Art. 5, letter k)
- cooperates with the Czech Telecommunication Office (Art. 5, letter l), and participates with its standpoints and proposals in formation of basics of the State policy of the Czech Republic in relation to broadcasting, and of concepts of its development, and in relation to enhancement of medial literacy level (Art. 5, paragraph m)
- determines programs and services directly related with these programs, which have to be obligatorily disseminated in the public interest by means of electronic communication networks for radio and television broadcasting, reviews continuation of the needs of their obligatory dissemination, and submit binding standpoints to the Czech Telecommunication Office for purposes of imposing or cancellation of their obligatory dissemination under special enactment (Art. 5, paragraph n)
- issues statute and rules of procedure of the Council, and rules of organization of the Council´s Office (Art. 5 letter o); the Council´s Office is a body of the Council, and secures tasks connected with special, organizational, and technical provisions of activities of the Council (Art. 11 paragraph2 )
- manages its own budget (Art. 11, paragraph 1); submits proposal of its budget and closing account to the Ministry of Finance and relevant body of the Chamber of Deputies (Art. 5, letter p)
- makes the decisions of the Council public, as well as Annual Report of the Council, minutes from proceedings of the Council, and in case of need further information in a way allowing remote access (Art. 5, letter r)
- makes decisions of the court public about corrective instruments and legal proceedings against the Council Decision (Art. 5, letter s)
- in case of cross-border cooperation, it carries out supervision and acts in it in accordance with relevant rulings of the European Community 5a) to the extent of factual action of special legal enactment, through which the directions are projected specified in point 4 of the Attachments to this regulation (Art. 5 letter t)
- cooperates with authorities of the European Union and with regulation authorities of member states of the European Union with analogous factual action, especially in handing over and obtaining data and information stipulated by law, decisions issued under the rule of law, or legal acts of the European Union, and fulfills other tasks that follow from membership of the Czech Republic in the European Union in the area of regulation of television broadcasting (Art. 5, letter u)
- secures execution of engagements resulting from the European Convention on cross-border television 4b), and represents the Czech Republic in the Standing Committee established in accordance with Art. 20 of the European Convention on cross-border television (Art. 5, letter v)
- cooperates in the area of regulation of television broadcasting with relevant authorities of states that are not member states of the European Union or contracting parties of the European Convention on cross - border television (Art. 5, letter w)
- to the extent of its sphere of action, it cooperates with legal persons established in accordance with the legal rules of the Czech Republic, subject of activities of which includes self-regulation in some of the areas modified by this Act, or by special enactment 1e), and broadcasting operators, operators of taken over broadcasting, providers of audiovisual media services on request participate actively on this self-regulation (hereinafter "self-regulation authorities"), if cooperation of self-regulation authority is requested in writing,, and it especially in formation of effective self-regulation systems, and in implementing provisions in support of medial literacy; it makes public the list of cooperating self-regulation authorities (hereinafter "list of self-regulation authorities") in a way enabling remote access (Art. 5, letter x)
- issues standpoints, which represent legal opinion of the Council in the matters pertaining to its sphere of action according to law (Art. 5, letter y)
- annually submits the Annual Report on its activities and its state in the area of broadcasting, and in the area of provision of audiovisual media services on request to the Chamber of Deputies (Art. 6 paragraph 1)
- is authorized to issue its standpoints to the Government and the State administration bodies, and to require their co-operation regarding broadcasting; the Government and the State administration bodies cooperate with the Council in the matters of broadcasting, and are especially obliged, if broadcasting is concerned, always to request standpoint of the Council and within the scope of their action to provide the Council with needed co-operation (Art. 6, paragraph 4)
- on request provides the Ministry of Culture with data needed for purposes of fulfillment of obligations, which follow for the Czech Republic from international contracts or from its membership in international organizations (Art. 6, paragraph 5 of Act No. 132/2010 Coll.)
- appoints and withdraws the Chief of the Council´s Office, who is under the Council Chairman (Art. 11, paragraph 3)
- may decide about suspension of taken over television program broadcasting from a state, which is a contractual party of the European Convention on border television, and from a member state of the European Union under the conditions defined in Art. 62
- keeps a record of providers of audiovisual media services on request, and makes public selected data in a way enabling remote access (Art. 4, paragraph 2, letter a), and Art. 5, paragraph 7 of Act No. 132/2010 Coll.)
- imposes sanctions under this Act (Art. 4, paragraph 2, letter b) of Act No. 132/2010 Coll.)
- monitors content of audiovisual media services on request (Art. 4, paragraph 2, letter c) of Act No. 132/2010 Coll.)
- in case of cross-border cooperation, it carries out supervision, and proceeds in it in accordance with directly applicable rulea of the European Union 5) to the extent of factual action of other legal enactment, through which directions are projected specified in point 4 of the Attachments to this directly applicable rule of the European Community (Art. 4, paragraph 2, letter d) of Act No. 132/2010 Coll.)
- cooperates with the bodies of the European Union and with regulation bodies of member states of the European Union with analogous factual sphere of action, especially in handing over and obtaining data and information stipulated by law, decisions issued under the rule of law, or legal acts of the European Union, and fulfills other tasks, which follow from the membership of the Czech Republic in the European Union in areas of regulation of audiovisual media services on request (Art. 4, paragraph 2, letter e) of Act No. 132/2010 Coll.)
- cooperates with relevant authorities of states that are not member states of the European Union in the area of regulation of audiovisual media services on request (Art. 4, paragraph 2, letter f) of Act No. 132/2010 Coll.)
- warns providers of audiovisual media services on request on breach of duty stipulated by Act No. 132/2010 Coll., and sets time-limit for correction (Art. 11, paragraph 1 of Act No. 132/2010 Coll.)
- prohibits unlawful conduct inside the European Union by its decision in accordance with directly applicable rule of the European Union that the provider of audiovisual media services on request committed in the territory of the European Union or in any other state forming the European economic space, and which harms or can damage common interest of consumers (Art. 14 of Act No. 132/2010 Coll.)